We have a productive and close working relationship with Adam Taylor, the council officer responsible for Medway’s piers. We meet regularly with him to share what we’ve been working on and our forthcoming plans. We also work together to identify what the council may be able to undertake and give our perspective on how they might prioritise these deliverables. Recent examples have been the restoration of the pier lights and the installation of some new sockets, which we’re most grateful to Adam for arranging.
This approach has been fundamental to our broader success over the years: a combination of hard work by volunteers, careful planning by the committee, and the nurturing of important relationships.
Adam has recently shared with us that he and the council's contractors have been carrying out some survey work under the pier - this is to assess those parts of the pier not visible from above, in particular some of the lighting cables, amongst other thIngs. The above photo was taken at low tide during the survey and shows the pier from an angle most of us don’t get to see.
This is just another small but important step in a long process to get the pier back to its full glory. As we find out more about what the council are doing, we’ll be sure to share further updates.
Read more about our Rochester Pier project.