Our first volunteer session of the year saw a good number of volunteers turn out, dressed for the wintry weather, and it was great to see some new faces. We were able to achieve some very satisfying results on a couple of our ongoing projects.
Litter Picking
We'd noticed that there was a significant amount of litter on the foreshore in recent weeks, and with the tidal conditions being perfect, we made tackling it one of this month's activities. Some of our volunteers remained on the landward side of the sea wall to pick up litter from the Esplanade Gardens, while others ventured onto the marsh to collect the usual flotsam and jetsam, as well as a few more surprising items.
The result of our efforts on the foreshore can be seen in these before and after photos:
As always, it was impressive to see how much litter we'd managed to collect, judged by the number of bin bags we filled.
Find out more about our Litter Picking activities
Rochester Pier
In anticipation of better weather in the spring, some of our volunteers continued the scraping of old paint from the railings at the end of the pier, ready for priming and painting. This job is very nearly complete, and we expect the smart new paintwork that will go on in the Spring to be a testament to the thorough preparation carried out at the last few volunteer sessions.
Find out more about our Rochester Pier project
Big thanks to all the intrepid volunteers who worked so hard despite the rather chilly conditions. We hope you can come along and help us make a difference at our next session!