Dedication of the Suffrage Sensory Garden

Members of FoRCE with Lauren Edwards MP and Deputy Mayor Councillor Douglas Hamandishe at the dedication event

On Saturday 20th July 2024, around a hundred supporters, volunteers, residents, and visitors gathered on Rochester’s Esplanade to join us for the Dedication Ceremony of the Suffrage Sensory Garden. The event featured special guests, including author Jennifer Godfrey, Lauren Edwards MP, and Deputy Mayor Cllr Douglas Hamandishe, who formally concluded the project by planting the three crab apple trees so generously donated by FoRCE supporters.

Deputy Mayor Councillor Douglas Hamandishe at the dedication event

This beautiful garden has been brought to life thanks to he efforts of the FoRCE’s volunteers and supporters as a tribute to local non-militant suffragist Vera Conway Gordon, who peacefully campaigned for equality and Votes for Women in the early 1900s. Her dedication and spirit are reflected in the serene and inclusive design of the garden.

See our Suffrage Sensory Garden project page

Visit the website of the Suffrage Sensory Garden

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