Suffrage Sensory Garden

One of our volunteers watering a lush and verdant looking area of the Sensory Garden

The aim of the Sensory Garden project has been to transform the overgrown raised beds in the Esplanade Gardens into a welcoming space where people of all abilities can enjoy a variety of sensory experiences. Now that the initial phase is complete, our focus has shifted to ongoing maintenance to ensure the garden continues to thrive.

At any time of year, visitors can enjoy a blend of pollinator-friendly plants, herbs, bulbs, trees, and shrubs. These elements create a symphony of aromas, colours, textures, and sounds designed to encourage and stimulate the senses.

A Tribute to Vera Conway Gordon

An old monochrome photograph of Vera Conway Gordon standing by a trellis

The Sensory Garden is dedicated to the life of local non-militant suffragist Vera Conway Gordon and is located directly opposite her family home. The colours of the planting scheme pay homage to the suffragist movement’s flags and legacy, serving as both a beautiful space and a poignant reminder of her contributions to women’s rights.

How You Can Help

The Sensory Garden relies on the support of volunteers to keep it flourishing, and we're always keen for people to Join In. Each session offers the chance to take part in seasonal tasks, such as:

  • Planting: Adding new flowers, herbs, or shrubs to maintain variety and interest

  • Weeding: Helping to keep the beds tidy and free of invasive plants

  • Pruning: Shaping plants and encouraging healthy growth

  • Watering: Ensuring the garden stays hydrated during drier months

  • Mulching: Protecting plants and enriching the soil

You can also help by sharing this article and letting your friends, family and followers know about the Suffrage Sensory Garden, and the work our volunteers do all year round to maintain it, using the sharing buttons below.

Your efforts make a real difference. Together, we can ensure the Sensory Garden continues to delight and inspire all who visit.

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Sensory Garden News

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